AnyLogic Indian Training Course
Date: August 9, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Location: Hotel Hilton, Manyata Tech Park, Bangalore, India
Language: English
Organizer: Maxrad Software
Attendance fee: INR 36,000 + GST 18% per person

Registration Form
The training course is aimed at business managers and supply chain professionals who want to learn supply chain design and analysis with anyLogistix.
It is practice-oriented and provides essential information on the anyLogistix software, how to apply anyLogistix to locate facilities, supply chain design, dynamic simulation, and more. The course is designed by anyLogistix developers, who introduced the software to businesses.
Please note that you will need laptop computer suitable to anyLogistix system requirements, a mouse and stable Internet connection.
Day 1
- Introduction to anyLogistix
- ALX development environment
- Facilities location with Greenfield analysis (GFA)
- Section overview
- Practice drill: Simple GFA
- Practice drill: Multi-echelon GFA
- Supply chain design
- Network optimization
- Practice drill: Distribution network
- Practice drill: 2-tier distribution network
- Dynamic Simulation
- Section overview
- Practice drill: Simple simulation model
All attendees receive certificates confirming their completion of the training course.